I’m a 19-year-old hardware designer from India, working on building cool stuffs around ML + IoT space. I completed my junior high school degree and then dropped out of school. I founded Micro Electronics (a platform for hardware enthusiats) & NeuraliX.
I have a diverse background of designing sites, producing content for companies and building products. Sometimes I like to enjoy building CS projects: Hacking into Raspberry Pi & doing de-auth attacks & creating bots with ESP Modules.
Currently I’m learning Deep Learning and building projects around Edge AI and my work is supported through Inflection Grant by Long Journey VC. I have also received support from an Accelerator Program Sigma91 (Backed by Emergent Ventures).
Connect with me: Twitter / Medium / Calendly
Say Hi – hello@nikhilkashyap.me
PS: I volunteered at 7 Days in-person Fellowship Program by Polygon as Organizer 🙂
Research & Publications
Projects & Work
My Life in a Tweet
From dropping out of school, to working on multiple projects and failing at my first startup. To working with companies, generating revenue and now venturing into the Hardware space. I want to see myself leveraging tech to solve real problems and build great companies.